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Nehemiah 13:23-31

Greg Lundstedt

Remember the Good Nehemiah Did: Lessons in Leadership Part 3, Confronting and Cleaning out Worldly Defilement


Nehemiah 13:15-22

Greg Lundstedt

Remember the Good Nehemiah Did: Lessons in Leadership Part 2 Money/Work and Trust


Nehemiah 13:04-14

Greg Lundstedt

Remember the Good Nehemiah Did: Lessons in Leadership Part 1


Matthew 21:12-17

Greg Lundstedt

Who Has Absolute Authority Over You? The Lord Demonstrates His Divine Authority in His Temple: Prep for Nehemiah 13



Nehemiah 12:44-13:03

Greg Lundstedt

How is the Church to Worship? Principles of Worship from the Dedication of the Wall: Part 3


Psalm 32:1-11

Greg Lundstedt

The Blessedness of the Forgiven: David Instructs Sinners 


Nehemiah 12:31-43

Greg Lundstedt

How is the Church to Worship? Principles of Worship from the Dedication of the Wall: Part 2


Nehemiah 12:01-30

Greg Lundstedt

How is the Church to Worship? Principles of Worship from the Dedication of the Wall: Part 1


Matthew 26:1-13

Greg Lundstedt

What Does True Devotion to Christ Look Like? Worship or Waste, Devotion or Emotion? Mary’s Example: Prep for Nehemiah 12



Psalm 95:1-11

Greg Lundstedt

Worship the Lord!  A Wonderful Command and a Frightening Ultimatum: Prep for Nehemiah 12



Matthew 7:7-12

Greg Lundstedt

How are Believers to Accomplish God Demands? Prayer that will be Answered



Nehemiah 11:01-36

Greg Lundstedt

How Can We Know If We Have Truly Repented? The Fruit of Repentance Part 3


1 Peter 1:14-16

Greg Lundstedt

How are We to Live a Life of Holiness? Called to be Like Him: Insight for Nehemiah 10-11


Nehemiah 10:31-39

Greg Lundstedt

How Can We Know If We Have Truly Repented? The Fruit of Repentance Part 2


Philippians 2:12-13

Greg Lundstedt

How Can We Live the Christian life?  Working Out What God is Working In (Help for Nehemiah 10)


Nehemiah 10:1-30

Greg Lundstedt

How Can We Know If We Have Truly Repented? The Fruit of Repentance Part 1


Nehemiah 9:1-38

Greg Lundstedt

How to Be Spiritually Restored Part 4:  Humble Repentance


Psalm 103:1-22

Greg Lundstedt

Who Do You Blessed? Prep for Nehmiah 9:  Forget Not His Benefits


Nehemiah 8:13-18

Greg Lundstedt

How to Be Spiritually Restored Part 3:  The Word At Work in the Prpared Heart Produces Obedience


Nehemiah 8:7-12

Greg Lundstedt

How to Be Spiritually Restored Part 2:  The Word Made Known